Write about VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetics) learning style model. What is it? List 5 examples of how you can assess each learning style (e.g listen to teacher attentively – auditory)
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The VAK learning style model is just a model which shows the different learning styles each individual adopts. This is not something which one follows strictly with, it can change with the environment that a person is in. VAK stands for Visual, Auditory and the Kinesthetics.
Visual learners have two channels: visual-linguistic and visual-spatial. Visual-linguistic learners like to learn through written language such as writing and reading tasks. They have the ability to remember what has been written down, even though they do not read it again. They like to write down instructions and can pay better attention to lectures if they watch them. However, for the visual-spatial learners, they have difficulty with the written language but learn better with demonstrations, videos and other visual materials. They can easily viusalise faces and places.
Auditory learners learn through their ears, they can listen and learn better however, they will find it more difficult to concentrate when there are long passages to read and essays to write. They usually talk to themselves so as to self regulate and when they are reading, they might read aloud or move their lips. They are able to listen in lectures and learn easily.
Kinesthetic learners do things best hands-on. It has two channels too: movement and touch. They are unable to focus whenever they do not have external stimulation or movement. When listening during lectures, they will take notes for the sake of the movement of hands.
Visual Learners usually:
copy what's on the board
take notes, make lists
colour code notes
use of flash cards
draw maps and diagrams
Auditory Learners usually:
read to themselves out loud
are good at grammar and foreign language
remembers names easily
follows spoken directions well
not afraid to speak up in class
Kinesthetic Learners usually:
play music while doing work
need frequent breaks
are good in sports
fidgety during lectures; unable to sit down for long
not great at spelling
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